College of
Professional education in agriculture involves application of the physical,
biological and social sciences as well as principles of management to
problems in food, agriculture, natural resources and environment.
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College of Agricultural Sciences

Agriculture is the basis of food security. In the coming decades, agricultural sciences will be labelled simultaneously by the demand to provide enough food for the increasing population and concern about the sustainability of the whole system of food production and consumption.

Department of Agriculture

Department of Agriculture is geared towards producing skilled BSAg graduates with a mandate of increasing farm production, promoting agro-business and contributing towards better rural living. More…

Department of Veterinary and Animal Science (Proposed)

The Department of Animal Husbandry has been designed for scientific investigation of potential indigenous and exotic livestock and to improve them in the local environment. Read more…

Brief Description of

Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (BSAg) Program

Throughout the globe, agriculture plays a significant role by transforming traditional cultivation system into a modern one. With the advancement of science, this field is also being enriched with newer practices and ideas. To meet the increasing demand of the globe, particularly of Bangladesh, and reduce food scarcity through extensive applied research in diverse fields of agriculture, this program aims at producing professional graduates.

The Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (BSAg) program is a blend of agriculture education with social sciences, business and computer technology disciplines. Both in National and International job market, there are plenty of job and research opportunities for the agriculture graduates in several agro-based commercial sectors, service sectors and agricultural farms.

Career Prospect

IUBAT BSAg graduates can apply in. BCS (General and Agriculture Cadre), National Agricultural Research Stations, Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation (BADC), Bangladesh Institute of Training and Research on Applied Nutrition (BIRTAN), Bangladesh Rural Development Board (BRDB) etc

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Job Sectors

BSAg graduate can participate in the Nibondhon Examination for the position of Lecturer in all Govt. & Non-Govt. Colleges in Agriculture subject. BSAg graduates can join as instructorsin all Non-Govt. Agricultural Training Institutes(ATI). There are 180 non-govt. ATIs in Bangladesh. Each of the ATIs requires 15 instructors.

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Call Center

Establishment of an Agriculture Call Centre is underway with the aim of making education responsive to the needs of the agriculture sector in Bangladesh. The Purpose of this center is mainly to respond to issues raised by farmers instantly and on a continuous basis.

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Course Curriculum

Program of Study

The program includes all the components of agriculture science like agronomy, soil science, horticulture, plant protection, agricultural economics, extension and communication. Read More…

Program Fees

IUBAT assesses fees for students on credit hour basis. Per credit hour tuition fee for the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (BSAg) Program is Tk. 2500 for local students. Read More…

Duration of Study

The minimum requirement for BSAg degree is completion of 155 credit hours plus such courses as recommended by the college after reviewing individual background. Read More…

Faculty Members

Dr Md  Shohidullah Miah

Professor and Director

Dr. A.J.M. Sirajul Karim

Professor & Chair

Dr. Mohammad Rezaul Karim

Assistant Professor & Coordinator

Research and Publications

On Farm Research Sits (OFRS)

IUBAT University has a long term vision to establish and/or facilitate to establish an Agriculture-cum Agro Tourism Service Center in each of the 30 Agro Ecological Zones of Bangladesh. In addition to that it has a plan to establish On-Farm Research Sites (OFRS) in the diversified landscapes of the country.

Training on Research and Extension

In addition to regular academic programs CAS also conducts specialized trainings such as Training of Trainers (ToT) on pedagogical skill development. Principals and other teachers of Agricultural Training Institutes (ATIs) and teachers of Colleges take part in these training programs.

Awards Received

Environmental Certificate Award Received: Dr Md. Shohidullah Miah, Director, College of Agricultural Sciences of IUBAT has been awarded by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Government of Bangladesh in recognition of his environmental related research and technology innovation.