Dr. Ismail Hossain
Professor (Special)
Ph.D(Giessen, Germany)
MSc, BSc Hons (BAU)
Room # 516 | Ext # 545
E-mail: ismail.hossain@iubat.edu
Dr. Ismail Hossain joined on 21 October, 2018 as a Professor, College of Agricultural Scieneces (CAS), International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (UBAT- University), Uttara, Dhaka. Earlier he was a Senior (Grade 1) Professor of Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh. He completed B.Sc.Ag. ( Hons.) and M.Sc.(Ag.) in Plant Pathology from Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh in 1975 and 1976, respectively. In 1987 he earned Dr. Agr. from Justus Liebig University (Giessen, Germany). Later in 1996 he obtained D.S.P. from Royal Veterinary & Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark.
He started his career as a Scientist of Bangladesh Atommic Energy Commissiom in 1979. Thereafter, he joined to Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh in 1982. Professor Hossain earned name and fame teaching and research. He worked as a Team leader of good number of projects. He served as a Project Director, Collaborator, Partner, Chief Investigator, Principal investigator, Investigator, Sub-project Manager, Project specialist, Expert member and consultant in different Projects. Professor Dr. Hossain has published 342 scientific papers of which 94 in highly indexed and reputed International Journals and 248 in National Journals. He wrote 6 books / booklets in discipline of Agriculture.
He was Guest Professor of University of Giessen, Germany. He was Fellow of Bangladesh National Council of Science and Technology, German Academic Exchange Program (DAAD) and Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA). He is overseas editor of different international journals. He is life member of good number of national and international scientific societies.
Professor Dr. Hossain was President of Bangladesh Society of Seed Science and Technology.He was Head, Department of Seed Science and Technology, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh. Two times Head, Department of Plant Pathology, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh; Director, Seed Pathology Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh; President, Progressive Agriculturists; Member, Committee for Advancement of Higher Studies and Research (CASR), Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh; Member, Planning and Development Division, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. He was Editor of Bangladesh Journal of Seed Science and Technology. He extended his duty as member of selection of teachers in different public Universities. Now he is President of Bangladesh Phytopathological Society (BPS).
Professor Dr. Hossain has developed a Technology “BAU-Biofungicide” A unique product for controlling seed borne, air borne and soil borne diseases of different crops. It is an excellent product in controlling Nematodes of roots of crop plants. This is the first time product of Biological means in Bangladesh. This is an Agricultural Technology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh published by Bangladesh Agricultural University Research System, Mymensingh.
Professor Dr. Hossain is (a man of Naoga District) passing happy family life with wife (Dr. A.N.Hasna Banu, Former Scientist, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute), son (Engneer Scion M. Anjir Hossain), daughter (Dr. Safa Yasmin) along with granddaughters and gradson.
The Concept of KBAD (Knowledge Based Area Development) is a dream of Founder of IUBAT – University Professor Dr. Alimullah Miyan which is a praiseworthy program going to be fulfilled in Bangladesh through education. I personally attracted to this program and joined to this University