Dr. Swapan Kumar Roy
Assistant Professor
PhD in Agriculture (Chungbuk National University, Cheongju-si, Korea),
MS in Biotechnology (BAU),
B.Sc. in Agriculture (PSTU)
Room # 614 Ext # 165
E-mail: swapan.kumar@iubat.edu
Dr. Swapan Kumar Roy received his Ph.D. degree from Chungbuk National University, South Korea at the Department of Crop Science. He has been working as a Postdoctoral Fellow under the Institute of Agriculture Science and Technology at the same university mentioned above from 2017 to 2021. He has completed his B.Sc.Ag from Patuakhali Science and Technology University and MS in Biotechnology from Bangladesh Agricultural University. Currently, his research interest has emphasized on organic acid-mediated sub-cellular proteomics in response to heavy metal stress.
Dr. Roy hashand on experience in identifying tissue-specific target protein-encoding genes that contribute to tolerance mechanism towards abiotic stresses and its’ role on various metabolic pathways. Dr. Roy has a good understanding in handling gene expression analysis using qRT PCR, RNA-seq analysis, and mass spectrometry data interpretation, western blotting analysis for protein purity assessment, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis, bioinformatics tools for analyzing large data sets, and various gene and protein databases.
Furthermore, Dr. Roy is working as an editorial board member of Advances in Agriculture and Environmental Science journal and review editorsof multidisciplinary journals, including Italian Journal of Agronomy, Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Biology, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Biomolecules, Frontiers in Pharmacology, Genes, Journal of Analytical Science and Technology, and Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.
- 2017 - PhD in Agriculture (Major in Crop Science), Chungbuk National University, Cheongju-si, Korea (Republic of).
- 2007 - MS in Biotechnology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
- 2003 - B.Sc. in Agriculture, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Dumki, Bangladesh
[2]. Choi, J.Y., Cho, S.W., Chun, J.B., Kwon, S.J., Roy, S.K., Sung, J.K., Woo, S.H. and Sakagami, J.I. 2020. Morpho‑physiological response of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) to flooding stress at different growth stages. Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology, pp.1-9.
[3]. Haque, M.S., Saha, N.R., Islam, M.T., Islam, M.M., Kwon, S.J., Roy, S.K. and Woo, S.H. 2020. Screening for drought tolerance in wheat genotypes by morphological and SSR markers. Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology, pp.1-13
[4]. Jung, H. J., Roy, S. K., Kwon, Cho, S. W., K. Cho., Chun, H.C. and Woo, S. H. 2019. Proteome analysis of sesame leaves in response to waterlogging stress at vegetative and flowering stages. Biologia Plantarum 63, 733-749.
[5]. Ahmed, S., Ahmed, S., Roy, S., et al. (2019). Effect of salinity on the morphological, physiological and biochemical properties of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in Bangladesh. Open Agriculture, 4(1), 361-373.
[6]. Yu, J.H., Kwon, S.J., Choi, J.Y., Ju, Y.H., Roy, S.K., Lee, D.G., Park, C.H. and Woo, S.H., 2019. Variation of rutin and quercetin contents in Tartary buckwheat germplasm. Fagopyrum, 36(2), pp.51-65.
[7]. Kwon, S.J., Roy, S.K., Yu, J.H., Cho, S.W., Kim, H.H., Boo, H.O. and Woo, S.H., 2019. Protein Profiling from Hormone-Induced Tetraploid Roots in Platycodon grandiflorum. Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology, 22(5), pp.465-474.
[8]. Kwon, S.J., Kim, H.R., Roy, S.K., Kim, H.J., Boo, H.O., Woo, S.H. and Kim, H.H., 2019. Effects of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers on growth characteristics of two species of bellflower (Platycodon grandiflorum). Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology, 22(5), pp.481-487.
[9]. Kwon, S.J., Kim, H.R., Roy, S.K., Kim, H.J., Boo, H.O., Woo, S.H. and Kim, H.H., 2019. Effects of Temperature, Light Intensity and DIF on Growth Characteristics inPage 4 of 9 Platycodon grandiflorum. Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology, 22(4), pp.379- 386.
[10]. Roy, S.K., Cho, S.W., Kwon, S.J., Yang, J.H., Bae, Y.J., Jung, H.J., Kim, S.J., Chung, K.Y. and Woo, S.H., 2019. Effect of tillage practices and fertilizer management on the growth and nitrogen efficiency in soybean. Legume Research-An International Journal, 42(2), pp.222-227.
[11]. Kwon, S.J., Roy, S.K., Kim, H.R., Moon, Y.J., Woo, S.H., Boo, H.O., Koo, J.W. and Kim, H.H., 2018. In vivo Acclimatization Responses of Platycodon grandiflorum For. Duplex to Different Soil Types and Environmental Factors. Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology, 21(2), pp.121-127.
[12]. Roy, S.K., Kim, S., Yoon, J.H., Yoon, Y.K. and Cho, K., 2018. Recent progress on microfluidic electrophoresis device application in mass spectrometry. Mass Spectrometry Letters, 9(1), pp.1-16.
[13]. Yun, M.H., Jeong, H.R., Yoo, J.H., Roy, S.K., Kwon, S.J., Kim, J.H., Chun, H.C., Jung, K.Y., Cho, S.W. and Woo, S.H., 2018. Proteome characterization of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) at vegetative stage under waterlogging stress. Korean Journal of Plant Resources, 31(2), pp.124-135.
[14]. Cho, S.W., Roy, S.K., Chun, J.B., Cho, K.M., Cho, K. and Park, C.S., 2017. Characterization of a novel y-type high molecular weight glutenin subunit at Glu-D1 locus. Genes & Genomics, 39(9), pp.957-965.
[15]. Cho, S.W., Roy, S.K., Chun, J.B., Cho, K. and Park, C.S., 2017. Overexpression of the Bx7 high molecular weight glutenin subunit on the Glu-B1 locus in a Korean wheat landrace. Plant Biotechnology Reports, 11(2), pp.97-105.
[16]. Roy, S.K., Kwon, S.J., Yu, J.H., Sarker, K., Cho, S.W., Moon, Y.J., Jung, T.W., Park, C.H. and Woo, S.H., 2017. Comparison of Protein Profiles of Proso Millet (Panicum miliaceum) Seeds of Various Korean Cultivars. The Korean Journal of Crop Science, 62(1), pp.40-50.
[17]. Kwon, S.J., Roy, S.K., Kim, H.R., Moon, Y.J., Yoon, K.H., Woo, S.H., Boo, H.O., Koo, J.W. and Kim, H.H., 2017. Effects of medium compositions and plant growth regulators on in vitro organogenesis in cultured explants of Platycodon grandiflorum species. The Korean Journal of Crop Science, 62(3), pp.259-274.
[18]. Roy, S.K., Cho, S.W., Kwon, S.J., Kamal, A.H.M., Lee, D.G., Sarker, K., Lee, M.S., Xin, Z. and Woo, S.H., 2017. Proteome characterization of copper stress responses in the roots of sorghum. Biometals, 30(5), pp.765-785.
[19]. Roy, S.K., Cho, S.W., Kwon, S.J., Kamal, A.H.M., Kim, S.W., Oh, M.W., Lee, M.S., Chung, K.Y., Xin, Z. and Woo, S.H., 2016. Morpho-physiological and proteome level responses to cadmium stress in sorghum. Plos one, 11(2), p.e0150431.
[20]. Roy, S.K., Kwon, S.J., Cho, S.W., Kamal, A.H.M., Kim, S.W., Sarker, K., Oh, M.W., Lee, M.S., Chung, K.Y., Xin, Z. and Woo, S.H., 2016. Leaf proteome characterization in the context of physiological and morphological changes in response to copper stress in sorghum. Biometals, 29(3), pp.495-513.
[21]. Kwon, S.J., Seo, D.Y., Cho, G.Y., Roy, S.K., Lee, M.S., Boo, H.O., Woo, S.H. and Kim, H.H., 2016. Effects of N, P and K Fertilizers Application on Growth, Yield and Inorganic Components Content in Codonopsis lanceolata. The Journal of the Korean Society of International Agriculture.
[22]. Lee, H.D., Seo, D.Y., Kwon, S.J., Kim, H.J., Cho, G.Y., Boo, H.O., Roy, S.K. and Kim, H.H., 2016. Comparison of Yield and Growth Characteristics of Platycodon grandiflorum According to the Ploidy Levels and Growing Conditions. Korean Journal of Plant Resources, 29(3), pp.331-338.Page 5 of 9
[23]. Kwon, S.J., Roy, S.K., Cho, K.Y., Moon, Y.J., Woo, S.H. and Kim, H.H., 2015. Effect of Colchicine on the Induction of Prunella vulgaris for. albiflora Nakai. Korean Journal of Crop Science, 60(1), pp.107-113.
[24]. Cho, S. J., Kwon, S. J., Roy, S. K., and Woo, S. H. 2015. Proteome approach as a tool for the efficient separation of seed storage proteins from buckwheat. Korean Journal of Crop Science, 60(1), 29-32.
[25]. Cho, S., Kim, T., Kwon, S., Roy, S.K., Lee, C., Kim, H. and Woo, S., 2015. Effect of pre-germination by treatment of soaking on germination of soybean. Korean Journal of Crop Science, 60(1), pp.123-137.
[26]. Jeon, A., Kim, K., Kwon, S., Roy, S.K., Cho, S. and Woo, S., 2015. Effects of LED light conditions on growth and analysis of functional components in buckwheat sprout. Korean Journal of Crop Science, 60(3), pp.388-393.
[27]. Kim, H., Kwon, S., Roy, S.K., Cho, S., Kim, H., Moon, Y., Boo, H. and Woo, S., 2015. Proteomic responses of diploid and tetraploid roots in Platycodon grandiflorum. Korean Journal of Crop Science, 60(3), pp.394-400.
[28]. Cho, S., Kim, T., Kwon, S., Roy, S.K., Lee, C., Kim, H. and Woo, S., 2015. Characterization of protein function and differential protein expression in soybean under soaking condition. Korean Journal of Crop Science, 60(1), pp.114-122.
[29]. Cho, S., Kim, T., Kwon, S., Roy, S.K., Lee, C., Kim, H. and Woo, S., 2015. Analysis of protein function and comparison of protein expression of different environment in soybean using proteomics techniques. Korean Journal of Crop Science, 60(1), pp.33-40.
[30]. Cho, S., Kim, T., Kwon, S., Roy, S.K., Lee, C., Kim, H. and Woo, S., 2015. Analysis of protein function and comparison on expression of protein in Taekwang during maturation using proteomic techniques. Korean Journal of Crop Science, 60(1), pp.41-46.
[31]. Kim, H.R., Kwon, S.J., Roy, S.K., Cho, S.W., Kim, H.H., Cho, K.Y., Boo, H.O. and Woo, S.H., 2015. Proteome profiling unfurl differential expressed proteins from various explants in Platycodon grandiflorum. Korean Journal of Crop Science, 60(1), pp.97-106.
[32]. Kim, D.E., Roy, S.K., Kamal, A.H.M., Cho, K., Kwon, S.J., Cho, S.W., Park, C.S., Choi, J.S., Komatsu, S., Lee, M.S. and Woo, S.H., 2014. Profiling of mitochondrial proteome in wheat roots. Molecular biology reports, 41(8), pp.5359-5366.
[33]. Oh, M.W., Roy, S.K., Kamal, A.H.M., Cho, K., Cho, S.W., Park, C.S., Choi, J.S., Komatsu, S. and Woo, S.H., 2014. Proteome analysis of roots of wheat seedlings under aluminum stress. Molecular biology reports, 41(2), pp.671-681.
[34]. Yu, J., Roy, S.K., Kamal, A.H.M., Cho, K., Kwon, S.J., Cho, S.W., So, Y.S., Holland, J.B. and Woo, S.H., 2014. Protein profiling reveals novel proteins in pollen and pistil of W22 (ga1; Ga1) in maize. Proteomes, 2(2), pp.258-271.
[35]. Roy, S.K., Kamal, A.H.M., Kim, H.R., Kwon, S.J., Jang, H.Y., Ko, J.H., Kim, J.I., Ko, T.S., Xin, Z. and Woo, S.H., 2014. Proteome profiling of seed from inbred and mutant line of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor). Aust. J. Crop Sci, 8(4), pp.606-611.
[36]. Kwon, S.J., Lee, G.J., Roy, S.K., Cho, K.Y., Moon, Y.J., Cho, J.W., Woo, S.H. and Kim, H.H., 2014. Effects of Ca-Gluconate on Fruit Firmness and Softening Enzyme Activities in Tomato using Hydroponics Systems. Korean Journal of Crop Science, 59(4), pp.539-546.
[37]. Park, J.H., Shin, J.H., Roy, S.K. and Park, H.Y., 2014. Evaluation of Cytotoxicity, Total Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Innate Reveal Efficient Medications in Native Lactuca indica. Journal of Agricultural Science, 6(10), p.135.Page 6 of 9
[38]. Kwon, S.J., Roy, S.K., Cho, K.Y., Moon, Y.J., Woo, S.H. and Kim, H.H., 2014. Tetraploid induction approach induced by colchicine of Prunella vulgaris for. albiflora Nakai. Int. J. Sci. Res. Pub, 4, pp.1-7.
[39]. Cho, S.W., Kwon, S.J., Roy, S.K., Kim, H.S., Lee, C.W. and Woo, S.H., 2014. A systematic proteome study of seed storage proteins from two soybean genotypes. Korean Journal of Crop Science, 59(3), pp.359-363.
[40]. Kwon, S.J., Han, M.H., Huh, Y.S., Roy, S.K., Lee, C.W. and Woo, S.H., 2013. Plantlet regeneration via somatic embryogenesis from hypocotyls of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.). Korean Journal of Crop Science, 58(4), pp.331-335.
[41]. Woo, S.H., Kamal, A.H.M., Park, S.M., Kwon, S.O., Park, S.U., Roy, S.K., Lee, J.Y. and Choi, J.S., 2013. Relative distribution of free amino acids in buckwheat. Food Science and Biotechnology, 22(3), pp.665-669. Research Article (Domestic Journal)
[42]. Mony, S. A., Haque, M. S., Karim, M. A., and Roy, S. K. 2008. Callus induction and plantlet regeneration in blackgram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper). Progressive Agriculture, 19(2), 27-35.
[43]. Roy, S. K., Haque, M. S., & Siddiqua, M. K. 2008. Plant regeneration through multiple shoot formation in blackgram. Progressive Agriculture, 18(2), 11-16. Books
[44]. Roy, S. K. and Woo, S. H. 2018. Proteome analysis in response to heavy metal stress in Sorghum. Edited by: Ion Artin. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Germany, First ISBN:978-613-5-83975-3.
[45]. Jung, H. J., Roy, S. K., and Woo, S. H. 2018. Proteome responses of Sesame leaves to waterlogging stress. Edited by: Ion Artin. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Germany, First ISBN:978-613-7-31877-5. Book Chapters
[46]. Woo, S.H., Roy, S.K., Kwon, S.J., Cho, S.W., and Kim, H.H. 2018. Chapter-24. In: Meiliang Zhou, Ivan Kreft, Galina Suvorova, Yu Tang and Sun Hee Woo, editors, Buckwheat Germplasm in the World. Chennai: Academic Press, pp. 249-258. ISBN: 978-0-12-811006-5.
[47]. Woo, S.H., Roy, S.K., Kwon, S.J., Kamal, A.H.M., Park, S.U., Chung, K.Y., Lee M.S., and Choi J.S. 2018. Chapter-28. In: Meiliang Zhou, Ivan Kreft, Galina Suvorova, Yu Tang and Sun Hee Woo, editors, Buckwheat Germplasm in the World. Chennai: Academic Press, pp.295-302.ISBN: 978-0-12-811006-5.
[48]. Woo, S.H., Roy, S.K., Cho, S.W., Kwon, S.J., Park, C.H., and Adachi, T. 2018. Chapter-29. Inheritance of Self-Compatibility in a Buckwheat Hybrid. In: Meiliang Zhou, Ivan Kreft, Galina Suvorova, Yu Tang and Sun Hee Woo, editors, Buckwheat Germplasm in the World. Chennai: Academic Press, pp. 303-314. ISBN: 978-0-12- 811006-5.
[49]. Woo, S.H., Roy, S.K., Kwon, S.J., Cho, S.W., Sarker, K., Lee, M.S., Chung, K.Y. and Kim, H.H. 2016. Chapter-3. Concepts, Prospects, and Potentiality in Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench): A Research Perspective. In: Meiliang Zhou, editors: Molecular Breeding and Nutritional Aspects of Buckwheat, Oxford: Academic Press, p. 21-50. ISBN:978-0-12-803692-1. Abstract/proceedings/oral/posters
[50]. Jung, H. J., Yu, J. H., Roy, S. K., Kwon, S. J., Kim, K. H., Cho, S. W., and Woo, S. H. 2018. Proteome Responses of Sesame Leaves to Waterlogging Stress. The 245th Meeting of the Crop Science Society of Japan. March 29-30, Utsunomiya University, Tochigi, JAPAN.Page 7 of 9
[51]. Park, H. J., Jeong, H. R., Roy, S. K., Kwon, S. J., Kim, K. H., Cho, S. W., and Woo, S. H. 2018. Growth characteristics and Proteome expression of Soybean seedling under Waterlogging. The 245th Meeting of the Crop Science Society of Japan. March 29-30, Utsunomiya University, Tochigi, JAPAN.
[52]. Jeong, H. R., Roy, S. K., Kwon, S. J., Choi S. H., Chun, H. C., Cho, S. W., Cho, Y. G., and Woo, S. H. 2018. Comparative proteome analysis of azuki bean leaves at early vegetative and reproductive stage under waterlogging stress. The Korean Society of Crop Science Conference, April 19-20, Yeosu, Korea.
[53]. Roy, S. K., Cho, S. W., Kwon, S. J., Lee, M. S., Xin, Z., Boo, H. O., Kim, H. H., Cho, Y. G., and Woo, S. H. 2018. Understanding Heavy Metal Tolerance Mechanism in Sorghum using Proteomics Technique. The Korean Society of Crop Science Conference, April 19-20, Yeosu, Korea.
[54]. Yun, M. H., Park, H. J., Jeong, H. R., Roy, S. K., Kwon, S. J., Chun, H. C., Cho, S. W., and Woo, S. H. 2017. Proteome Analysis of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) Leaf in Response to Waterlogging Stress. 9th Asian Crop Science Conference. June 4-7, Jeju, Korea.
[55]. Roy, S. K., Kwon, S. J., Park, H. J., Yu, J. H., Sarker, K., Cho, S. W., Jung, T. W., Park, C. H., and Woo, S. H. 2017. Comparative Proteome Analysis of Seeds of Proso Millet (Panicum miliaceum) Cultivars. 9th Asian Crop Science Conference. June 4-7, Jeju, Korea.
[56]. Kim, S. W., Roy, S. K., Kwon, S. J., Cho, S. W., Cho, Y. G., Lee, C. W., and Woo, S. H. 2017. Comparative Proteome Analysis of Rice Leaves in Response to High Temperature. 9th Asian Crop Science Conference. June 4-7, Jeju, Korea.
[57]. Kwon, S. J., Roy, S. K., Yoo, J. H., Cho, S. W., Kim, H. H., Boo, H. O., and Woo, S. H. 2017. Comparative Proteome Analysis of Diploid and Tetraploid Root in Platycodon grandiflorum. 9th Asian Crop Science Conference. June 4-7, Jeju, Korea.
[58]. Roy, S. K., Cho, S. W., Kwon, S. J., Sarker, K., Xin, Z., and Woo, S. H. 2017. Proteomic Proteome Analysis of Leaves of Sorghum under Copper Stress. International Proteomics Conference. August 15-17, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
[59]. Roy, S. K., Cho, S. W., Kwon, S. J., Lee, M. S., Choi, J. S., Jung, H. J., Boo, H. O., Kim, H. H., and Woo, S. H. 2017. Investigation of various proteome approaches in buckwheat using quantitative proteomic technologies. August 7-12, Yulin, China.
[60]. Jeong, H. R., Yun, M. H., Yoo, H. J., Jung, H. J., Park, H. J., Roy, S. K., Kwon, S. J., Chun H. C., Jung, K. Y., Cho, S. W., and Woo, S. H. 2017. Comparative Proteome Analysis of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) Seedlings in Response to Waterlogging Stress. The Korean Society of Crop Science Conference, October 19-20, Muju, Korea.
[61]. Ko, J. H., Kwon, S. J., Roy, S. K., Cho, S. W., Kim, H. H., Boo, H. O., and Woo, S. H. 2016. Protein profiling of the liquid cultured tetraploid roots in Platycodon grandiflorum. 7th International Crop Science Congress, August 14-19, Beijing, China.
[62]. Kwon, S. J., Roy, S. K., Ko, J. H., Cho, S. W., Lee, M. S., Kim, H. H., Boo, H. O., and Woo, S. H. 2016. Protein expression patterns analysis of hormone-induced diploid and tetraploid roots of Platycodon grandiflorum. 7th International Crop Science Congress, August 14-19, Beijing, China.
[63]. Roy, S. K., Kwon, S. J., Kim, S. W., Park, H. J., Yu, J. H., Lee, C. W., and Woo, S. H. 2016. Growth characteristics and ionic changes of leaves and roots of Sorghum seedlings in response to Zinc and Lead stress. The Korean Society of Crop Science Conference, April 21-22, Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea.
[64]. Roy, S. K., Kwon, S. J., Sarker, K., Kim, S. W., Kim, K. H., Cho, S. W., Lee, C. W., and Woo, S. H. 2015. Leaf proteome alterations in the context of physiological and morphological responses to copper stress in Sorghum. 7th International Symposium onPage 8 of 9 Frontiers in Agricultural Proteome Research, and 2nd AOAPO conference, September 23-24, Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea.
[65]. Roy, S. K., Kwon, S. J., Sarker, K., Kim, S. W., Kim, K. H., Cho, S. W., and Woo, S. H. 2015. Morpho-physiological and proteome responses towards understanding cadmium stress in Sorghum. 7th International Symposium on Frontiers in Agricultural Proteome Research, and 2nd AOAPO conference, Sept 23-24, Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea.
[66]. Roy, S. K., Kwon, S. J., Kim, S. W., Kim, K. H., Cho, S. W., Lee, C. W., and Woo, S. H. 2015. Growth and morphological responses of leaf and root to copper stress in Sorghum. The 2nd International Symposium on Broomcorn Millet, Feb 25-27, Chuncheon, Korea.
[67]. Kim, H. R., Kwon, S. J., Roy, S. K., Ko, J. H., Kim, H. H., and Woo, S. H. 2014. Proteome profiling unfurl differential expressed proteins from various explants in Platycodon grandiflorum. 5th Plant Proteomics Conference, June 23-27, Harbin, China.
[68]. Roy, S. K., Kamal, A. H. M., Kwon, S. J., Kim, S. W., Cho, S. W., Park, C. S., Komatsu, S., and Woo, S. H. 2014. Abiotic Stress on Photosynthetic Machinery in C4 Plants: Insights from Sorghum Chloroplast Proteomics. The 20th World Congress of Soil Science. June 8-13, Jeju, Korea.
[69]. Kamal, A. H. M., Roy, S. K., Kim, K. H., Kwon, S. J., Lim, D. J., Cho, S. W., Chung, K. Y., Lee, C. W., and Woo, S. H. 2014. Characterization of Abiotic Stress Responsive Protein in Wheat Grain. The 20th World Congress of Soil Science. June 8-13, Jeju, Korea.
[70]. Kim, D. E*., Roy, S. K*., Kwon, S. J., Lim, D. J., Cho, S. W., Park, C. S., Chung, K. Y., and Woo, S. H. 2014. Profiling of Mitochondrial Proteome in Wheat Roots. The 20th World Congress of Soil Science. June 8-13, Jeju, Korea (* equally contributed).
[71]. Roy, S. K., Kamal, A. H. M., Kwon, S. J., Kim, S. W., Cho, S. W., Kim, K. H., Kim, J. I., Jong, T. W., Ko, T. S., Xin, Z., Lee, C. W., and Woo, S. H. 2014. Effects of Cadmium on the growths and morphological characteristics in Sorghum. Abstract and data paper. Japanese Journal of Crop Science. Vol. 83 Extra issue 1; ISSN 0011-1848; NISAAJ 83 (Extra 1), 342-343.
[72]. Yu, J., Roy, S. K., Kamal, A. H. M., Kwon, S. J., Kim, K. H., Ko, J. H., Cho, S. W., So, Y. S., Holland, J. B., and Woo, S. H. 2014. Proteome profiling of pollen and pistil from near-isogenic lines with gametophytic factor in maize. Abstract and data paper. Japanese Journal of Crop Science. Vol. 83 Extra issue 1; ISSN 0011-1848; NISAAJ 83 (Extra 1), 342-343.
[73]. Woo, S. H., Oh, M. W., Kamal, A. H. M., Roy, S. K., Cho, K., Cho, S. W., Park, C. S., Choi, J. S., and Komatsu, S. 2013. Proteome Analysis of Roots of Wheat Seedlings Under Aluminum Stress. HUPO 12th Annual World Congress. Sept 14-18, Yokohama, Japan.
[74]. Roy, S. K., Kamal, A. H. M., Kim, H. R., Kwon, S. J., Jang, H. Y., Ko, J. H., Kim, J. I., Ko, T. S., Lee, C. W., Xin, Z., and Woo, S. H. 2013. Seed protein profiling from inbred and mutant line of Sorghum. The Korean Society of Crop Science. Vol. 58 Suppl. 2. ISSN 2287-8432. pp. 87.
Courses interested to teach: Molecular Cell Biology, Environmental Biotechnology, Gene Expression and Regulation, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology.
- 2018 - Best Oral Presentation (Presentation Title-Leaf and root proteome responses of Sorghum to heavy metal), awarded from the Korean Society of Crop Science, in the frame of KSCS conference.
- 2015 - Best Poster Award (Poster Title- Morpho-physiological and proteome responses towards understanding cadmium stress in Sorghum), awarded from the AOAPO, in the frame of AOAPO conference.
- 2014 - Best Oral Presentation (Presentation Title-Proteome responses of leaf and root in Sorghum under cadmium stress), awarded from the Korean Society of Crop Science, in the frame of KSCS conference.