Dr Shaila Sharmin
Associate Professor
PhD (Japan)
MS, BScAg Hons (BAU)
Room # 709 Ext # 416
E-mail: shaila.sharmin@iubat.edu
She was born in Mymensingh district. She passed S. S. C. and H. S. C. from Vidyamoyee Govt Girls School and Govt. Muminunessa Mohila College, Mymensingh, Dhaka board. She obtained her B.Sc Ag (Honors) from Agriculture and M.S. degree from the department of Agricultural Chemistry, Bangladesh Agricultural Chemistry. After graduating from the Bangladesh Agricultural University, she was awarded Monbusho Scholarship (Japanese Government Scholarship) to pursue her Ph. D. degree.
She enrolled in the School of Science for the Open and Environmental Systems of Keio University, Japan as a Ph.D. student in September, 2007 and received her Ph.D. in September, 2010. She returned Bangladesh in October 2010 and joined as a faculty member to the College of Agricultural Science, International University of Business, Agriculture and Technology in 2011. Dr Shaila Sharmin is specialized on Environmental Geochemistry.She is personally working for KBAD (Knowledge Based Area Development) program
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) in Environmental Science- Graduated in Sept. 2010 Specialization: Environmental Geo-Chemistry School of Science for Open and Environmental Systems, Keio University, Japan
- Master of Science in Agricultural Chemistry- Graduated in Dec. 2004 Department of Agricultural chemistry, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh, Bangladesh
- Bachelor of Science in Agriculture - Graduated in June 2003 Faculty of Agriculture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
- Sharmin, Juel Mia , M. Shohidullah Miah and H.M. Zakir .Hydrogeochemistry and heavy metal contamination in groundwaters of Dhaka metropolitan city,Bangladesh:Assesment of human health Impact.Hydroresearch.3(2020):106-117. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hydres.2020.10.003
- H.M. Zakir Shaila Sharmin , Arifa Akter , Md. Shahinur Rahman. Assessment of health risk of heavy metals and water quality indices for irrigation and drinking suitability of waters: a case study of Jamalpur Sadar area, Bangladesh. Environmental Advances.2(2020)100005 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envadv.2020.100005
- Zakir, H. M., Shaila Sharmin and Naotatsu Shikazono. 2006. Heavy metal pollution assessment in water and sediments of Turag river at Tongi area in Bangladesh. International Journal of Lakes and Rivers, 1(1): 85-96
- Biswas, B. R., Shaila Sharmin, Zakir, H.M., Chowdhury, A.K. and Talukder, N.M. 2006. Growth and Yield of Soybean (Glycine max L.) as influenced by the application of Sulphur and Molybdenum. Bangladesh Journal of Agro-forestry and Environment, 1(1): 61-66
- Biswas, B. R., Begum, A., Shaila Sharmin and Chowdhury, A. K. 2006. Effect of Sulphur and molybdenum on nodulation, protein and nutrient content of soybean cv. Shohag. Journal of Bangladesh Agricultural University, 4(1): 33-42.
- Shaila Sharmin, Begum, A., Husne Lasani, Zakir, H.M. and Chowdhury, M.A.H. 2005. Effect of municipal waste and sewage sludge on nutrient uptake by BRRI DHAN-28. Progressive Agriculture, 16(2): 11-16.
- Husne Lasani, Shaila Sharmin, Begum, A., Zakir, H. M. and Chowdhury, M. A. H. 2005. Utilization of Municipal waste and Sewage Sludge in relation to growth, yield, protein and starch contents of rice. Bangladesh Journal of Environmental Science, 11 (1): 141 - 144.
- Shaila Sharmin, Rafique, A. K. M. A, Uddin, M. R., Hossain, M. A. and Chowdhury, M. A. H. 2005. Nodulation, Yield and Nutrient content of Mungbean as influenced by S, Zn, B and Mo in some soils of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 32(1): 73-79.
- Jahangir, M. M. R., Haque, M. Q. and Shaila Sharmin. 2005. Effects of Boron on different varieties of Sunflower. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Science and technology 4(2):141-146
- Sharmin, S., Zakir, H.M., and Shikazono, N. 2009. Base metal pollution assessment in water and sediment of Nomi River, Tokyo, Japan. International Journal of Applied Environmental Science, 4(3): 303-326.
- Sharmin, S., Zakir, H. M., and Shikazono, N. 2010. Fractionation profile and mobility pattern of trace metals in sediments of Nomi River, Tokyo, Japan. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management, 1(1): 01-14.
- Sharmin, S., Zakir, H.M., and Shikazono, N. 2010. Geochemical partitioning of Zn and Pb and assessment of anthropogenic pollution in Nomi River sediments, Tokyo, Japan. American Journal of Environmental Sciences 6(5):406-415,2010.
- Mohiuddin, K. M., Zakir, H. M., Otomo, K., Sharmin, S. and Shikazono, N. 2010. Geochemical distribution of trace metal pollutants in water and sediments of downstream of river. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 7(1):17-28.
- H. M. Zakir.,M. Nazmul Hasan.,Q. F. Quadir., S. Sharmin., and Istiaq Ahmed.2013. Cadmium and lead pollution in sediments of Midstream of the River Karatoa in Bangladesh. International Journal of Engineering Science,2(2):34-42.
- H.M. Zakir.,M.M.Islam., M.Y.Arafat., and S. Sharmin.2013. Hydrogeochemistry and Quality assessment of waters of an open coal mine area in a developing country: A case study from Barapukuria, Bangladesh. International Journal of Geoscience Research.1(1):20-44.
- H.M. Zakir.,S.A.Sumi,S.Sharmin, K.M. Mohiuddin and S.Kaysar.2015.Heavy metal contamination in surface soils of some industrial areas of Gazipur, Bangladesh.Journal of Chemical,Biological and Physical Sciences.5(2):2191-2206.
- H.M. Zakir, M.I.J. Aysha, Supti Mallick, Shaila Sharmin, Q.F. Quadir and M.A. Hossain.(2018).Heavy metals and major nutrients accumulation pattern in spinach grown in farm and industrial contaminated soils and health risk assessment. Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science.3(1):95-102. https://doi.org/10.26832/24566632.2018.0301015
- H. M. Zakir1, Arifa Akter1, A. Rahman, Shaila Sharmin and M. Y. Arafat (2018) Groundwater Quality Evaluation for Irrigation and Drinking utilities collected from Sadar Upazila of Jamalpur District,Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Applied Chemistry Research 2(1): 1-13, DOI:10.9734/AJACR/2018/43974
- Shaila Sharmin and Lutfor Rahman.2019. Optimization of nitrogen requirement for better growth and yield of brinjal (Solanum melongena L.). Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science 4(1): 33-38 (2019) https://www.aesacademy.org/ https://doi.org/10.26832/24566632.2019.040105
- Naznin.S.,H.M.Zakir.,M.A.Parvin., S.Sharmin and H.P Paul.2019.Effect of Chitosan coating on Physiological Responses and Nutritional Qualities of Tomato Fruits during Post harvest Storage. Asian Journal of Advances in Agricultural Research10(2):1-11. DoI:10.9734/AJAAR/2019/V10i230027 DOI: 10.9734/ajaar/2019/v10i230027
- Mhafuza Akter , H. M. Zakir1, Shaila Sharmin , Q. F. Quadir and Sadia Mehrin. 2020.Heavy Metal Bioaccumulation Pattern in Edible Tissues of Different Farmed Fishes of Mymensingh Area, Bangladesh and Health Risk Assessment. Advances in Research 21(4): 44-55. DOI: 10.9734/AIR/2020/v21i430200 Article no.AIR.56342 ISSN: 2348-0394, NLM ID: 101666096
- Faisal Islam , H. M. Zakir1, A. Rahman and Shaila Sharmin.2020. Impact of Industrial Wastewater Irrigation on Heavy Metal Deposition in Farm Soils of Bhaluka Area, Bangladesh. Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International. 24(3): 19-31, 2020; Article no.JGEESI.56127 ISSN: 2454-7352 DOI: 10.9734/JGEESI/2020/v24i330207
- The “55th Annual meeting of Geochemical Society of Japan”, Tokyo University, September 17-19, 2008. Presentation title-“Assessment of Base metal Pollution in Water of Nomi River, Tokyo, Japan”
- The “6th International Work shop on Water Dynamics” Sendai, Tohoku University, Japan, March 4-6, 2009. Presentation title-“Base metal pollution assessment in Nomi River, Tokyo Japan.”
- The “18th Annual V.M. Goldschmidt Conference”, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada from July 13-18, 2008. Presentation title-“Base metal pollution in urban sediments: A study in Nomi river”.
- The “19th Annual V.M. Goldschmidt Conference”, Davos, Switzerland from June 21-26, 2009. Presentation title-“ Assessment of Zn pollution level in sediment and water of Nomi river, Tokyo, Japan.”
- International Conference on “Investment challenges and stability of stock Market: January 31, 2012. IUBAT. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Daylong workshop on “Implementing SDGs in Bangladesh: From Plan to Action” Statistics and Informatives Division(SID),31th January 2018 at University of Dhaka.
- “Perennial rice workshop” at Yunnan University in China from June 24-30th 2019.
Conference and workshop participation:
- Sharmin, S. and Shikazono, N. 2008. Base metal pollution in urban sediments: A study in Nomi river. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72(Issue:12; Supplement:1):A852.
Conference abstract in journals:
- Training on “Strengthening Pedagogical Skills of Young teacher”by Asia-Farmer to Farmer (F2F) Winrock International, February 2015 at IUBAT University.
- Five day training program on “Teaching-Learning, Curriculum &Quality Assurance” conducted by the Graduate Training Institute, Bangladesh Agricultural University with support from HEQEP UGC Sub-Project during 27-31th March, 2016.
- Training on “Improved Management of Agricultural Education and Training Programs” by USAID-Funded Asia Farmer to Farmer(F2F) Program Winrock International.2017
- Training on “Strengthening Agricultural Education and Training Services” by USAID-Funded Asia Farmer to Farmer(F2F) Program Winrock International.(March 13-14,2018)
- Monbukagakusho Scholarship(September, 2007 to September, 2010) for Ph.D. study at Keio University in Japan, provided by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan.
- BAU Merit Scholarship during under-graduate and graduate studies, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.
- An intensive award for the presentation of paper at an international conference held in Switzerland, Davos in 2010, during study at Keio University, Japan.
- KLL scholarship provided by the Keio University,Japan during PhD in Japan 2007-2010
- MAMRI Research Fund from IUBAT University in 2019 up to 2020
- Received Professor Dr.M Alimullah Miyan Research Publication Reward in 2013 and also in 2019 for the research work
Awards/ Honors:
- Reviewer of Science domain international and Received certificate
- Research collaboration with Bangladesh Agricultural University,Mymensingh
- Research supervision: Supervise practicum students of IUBAT every semester